Windows 11 Printer Issues

Oh, why Microsoft, why?!

Someone in Microsoft had a bright idea. You wouldn´t guess.

So you have a standard printer settings. But it wasn´t enough so Microsoft added Printing from Win32 application dialog in 22H2 update. And this dialog is superior to the standard printer settings. But it is only for some applications not for all of them. What could go wrong?

Let the app change my printing preferences... really?? Ctrl+Shift+P

So when you get problems it sometimes works and sometimes not. This is so awesome when you are trying to figure out what is wrong. Oh yes, you can use Troubleshooting in You are right that never worked and probably never will.

The advice? Uncheck Let the app change my printing preferences. It is checked by default.

Otherwise you will have issues ie. to print in color even though you set color in the printer preferences.

This feature gets Bad Design Award of this month.